Have you met any of of these stereotypes on your trip?
We have all met them. Whether at the hostel, on an adventure trip, a surf lesson, on the plane, the beach or in the middle of the rain forest... They are everywhere! People are different, but there is no avoiding some stereotypes while backpacking. Here are some of the one's we have met!
1. The guitar-dude

The guitar itself is no problem. It is the immense urge to play the one song or the only riff he can, over and over again. Usually only when people no longer notice him.
2. The leech

They seem harmless when they introduce themselves, but before you know it, they have sucked into you like a bloodthirsty leech. Indecisive as they are, they are happy to let you decide everything and follow you no matter what you do. They will also change their itinerary just to tag along. The only way to get rid of them is to become equally indecisive yourself. Then they find someone else to hang on to. Or you can run from them.
3. The know-it-all

They have been everywhere, at least according to themselves, and of course they know everything. They are not impressed by anything. They know what you should experience as well as where your next travels should go to, and they love to tell about everything they have experienced. Certainly with a condescending and negative tone. The tips are often good, but the way they are given allows you to do without.
4. Shabby

Looks like they have been traveling for 10 years and have long needed a shower. They are often found in hostels, where they get really comfortable. Love to fold all their things all over the floor and are happy to use the beds of the others in the room.
5. Asians

Now, we are exclusively thinking of Asian backpackers. Usually very polite, quiet and a little shy. Like to stay in small groups where everyone has insanely large cameras. Hard to get in touch with, unless they ask you for directions, by gently pointing at a map.
6. Americans

Guaranteed the most loud, bubbling and noisy backpackers. No matter the setting. You hear them at a long distance, and it can often be okay to steer away. Think Norway is the capital of Sweden or a city in the Netherlands.
7. The "alternatives"

There is always one guy with dreads and harem pants, but often they are part of a bigger group. They are happy to hang out with the shabbies (see number 4.)
8. The crazy drunk

Mumbles, is noisy, messy and drinks way more than any other. It is hardly a good idea. Losing mostly passport, money and whatever, just to repeat the success of yesterday again. ALWAYS fall asleep in the wrong bed.
9. Always online

Spend more time chatting with people back home, updating their status, taking selfies and documenting every little thing instead of leaning back and enjoying the journey. You will usually find them behind their tablet or with their phone glued to their hands. Do you recognize yourself?
10. Old farts

We dig that you are getting older and still adhere to your lifestyle as a backpacker, but sometimes it is also okay to acknowledge that your amazing backpacking experiences is coming closer to an end.
11. The lovers

Hanging a towel or sheet in front of the bunk bed does not isolate sound. We know what you are doing. A true nightmare to end up with in a room.
12. The turtle

You see them trudging down the street with a solid backpack on the back and a fairly large backpack at the front. Lives in the bag and has become 'travel robots'. Has an admirable arsenal of gadgets.