Want to make a difference for life beneath the surface?
We got ya! Below we've compiled some of the coolest marine conservation projects that we collaborate with. Here you get to experience the authentic local communities while working on some really cool projects that the marine life benefits from! Intrigued? We bet you are!

1. Combine marine conservation & diving in Philippines
Okay, so you want to join a cool volunteer project, but have no diving experience? No problem. This project allows you start out by getting a PADI certificate so you're ready for all the activities underneath the surface. If you already have it, you'll just skip the course and get right into working with the project.

2. Learn Spanish and volunteer at a turtle project in Costa Rica
¡Hola! Welcome to Costa Rica. In the beautiful surroundings of Santa Teresa you'll get an awesome combination of learning Spanish (si si), become a surf or yoga champ and volunteer at a turtle project. If this doesn't make it tickle all the right places, nothing will.

3. Stay nearby and join a marine conservation project in Portugal
Don't fancy a long trip overseas? Well in these uncertain times, it's completely understandable.
In Portugal we've teamed up with a really cool marine conservation project where you can join a variety of conservation efforts focused on the protection of the marine ecosystem in the South Coast of Portugal. Oh, and by the way. You get to dive a lot here as well.

4. Marine conservation in Paradise aka Seychelles
Always wanted to be that person in a group of friends that could distinguish between a Smallbelly Catshark and a Dusky Snout Catshark? Well, here's your chance.
In the Seychelles, a truly tropical paradise, you'll be coral reef monitoring, collect data on biodiversity and, you guessed it, observe which kind of different fish that passes by during the day. Sounds like a great day at the office to us!
If you don't fancy being underwater all the time, but still want to get some coastal environmental work done, then the island of Curieuse has some great options for you. Don't be afraid to ask us all about these projects, too!

5. Join a versatile marine project in Thailand
Combine volunteering with authentic Thai food, great travel opportunities and beautiful beaches. Mmmh...
On this project in Thailand you'll work toward conserving the Endangered Green Sea turtle, monitor Thai bird life, clear plastic off the beaches, and improve environmental awareness throughout the community. Basically this project offers a lot of varied tasks within marine conversation, so there should definetely be something for you as well!
Did we get your attention?
In case we did, these are just some of the marine conservation projects we work with. We can also help out if you're dreaming about combining life as a volunteer with Croatia, Ecuador, Bali or Fiji, just to name some.
Click the button below if you need help planning your volunteer adventure!
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