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How to boost your career by volunteering abroad

Volunteering General Beach Cleanup

Use your skills for a good cause and level up your CV - it's a win-win!

Thinking about how to get ahead in your career without getting stuck in the typical 9-to-5 grind right away? Volunteering abroad could be your golden ticket. We usually only talk about what your contribution means to the local communities, and we know how good it feels to be able to give back, but there are many more benefits - like how volunteering's also a smart move that could set you apart in the job market. Employers these days want more than just a degree—they’re looking for people who’ve got real-world experience, unique perspectives, and the ability to tackle challenges head-on. In this blog, we’ll dive into how volunteering abroad can help you build a killer CV, open up new opportunities, and give you the kind of life experience that makes you a more interesting—and employable—person.

Marine Conservation In Fiji With GVI
Our take on Voluntourism
Voluntourism - travelling abroad to volunteer - has its fair share of critics, which is understandable. It's important to acknowledge the potential pitfalls, like potential abuse, projects that don’t truly benefit local communities or experiences that feel more like a tourist attraction than real help. But when done right, volunteering abroad can have a powerful, positive impact. We believe that the key is in choosing projects that are community-driven and focused on sustainable, long-term benefits. For us, voluntourism is about genuine engagement, meaningful contributions, and learning from the communities you’re there to support. We handpick our projects and work closely together with our local partner organisations who are present year-round and deeply rooted in their communities. They help guide our efforts to ensure that volunteers are placed where they can genuinely contribute in a meaningful way, under the direction of skilled local professionals. It's our aim to facilitate a win-win situation for both the volunteers and the local communities, with respect and collaboration at the core.

1. Skill Development

Let’s be real here: You can’t learn everything from a textbook or lecture hall. Volunteering abroad puts you in situations where you’ve got to think on your feet and just get stuff done. It’s a fast track to developing skills that every employer is hunting for - like communication, leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving. Imagine you’re teaching English to a bunch of kids who don’t speak your language. You’re not just teaching - you’re figuring out how to connect, explain, and inspire, all at once. Or maybe you’re working on a project that needs some serious teamwork to succeed. These aren’t just nice stories to tell - these are real, valuable skills that employers love to see on a CV. When it comes to volunteering, just like with work experience, the more you do, the better it is - for both you and the local community. Consider donating a real chunk of your time to a project to really make an impact. While it's possible to volunteer for shorter stints, we always recommend staying on as long as you can as this benefits both you and the project! 

2. Global Perspective and Cultural Awareness

If you’ve ever been told to “think outside the box,” volunteering abroad is like taking that advice and putting it on steroids. When you immerse yourself in a new culture, you start seeing the world through a whole new lens. You’ll learn how to adapt to different ways of living, working, and communicating - and that’s a huge asset in today’s global job market. Employers dig people who can roll with the punches and navigate diverse environments because that’s what the world of work is all about now. Plus, this kind of experience shows that you’re not afraid to step out of your comfort zone and tackle something new, which is a trait that can set you apart from other candidates. You’ll come back with a broader worldview, more empathy, and maybe even a few new ideas that could spark some serious innovation in whatever you do next.

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4. Enhanced CV and Standout Factor

Let’s face it, the job market can be brutal, and you need something that makes your CV pop. Volunteering abroad is one of those experiences that instantly catches a recruiter’s eye—if you know how to present it right. A few tips: show the impact you made or contributed to and highlight the skills you picked up along the way. It’s not just about listing what you did; it’s about showing how it made you better at what you do. This experience can be especially powerful if it’s related to the job you’re going for, but it does depend on the time you spent volunteering. Helping out at a wildlife shelter for two weeks is very different from spending half a year at a project and in general you can say: the more impact you make, the more experience you gain. While other candidates might have the same degree or similar internships, your time spent volunteering abroad shows that you’re different—you’re someone who takes initiative, isn’t afraid of challenges, and can thrive in diverse environments.

5. Gaining Specific Industry Experience

If you’re smart about it, volunteering can also give you a head start in the industry you’re aiming to break into. Let’s say you’re into environmental science—there are tons of volunteer projects where you can get your hands dirty (literally) with conservation work. Or maybe healthcare is your thing - volunteering at a clinic abroad gives you a front-row seat to real-world medical challenges. It’s a chance to gain industry-specific experience that’ll make you a stronger candidate when you’re ready to apply for jobs. Plus, you’ll have some great stories to tell in interviews that show you’ve got more than just theoretical knowledge—you’ve got practical experience, too.

Volunteer Africa Namibia SAVE Group Photo
Ready to make a difference?
Explore our awesome range of volunteering projects around the world! Whether you’re into teaching, conservation, or community work, we’ve got something for everyone. Click below to find the perfect volunteering opportunity and start your journey today!
Learn more about our volunteer projects

6. Personal Fulfillment and Motivation

Let’s not forget the feels. Volunteering abroad isn’t just about padding your CV—it’s also a journey of personal growth. It can help you figure out what you’re truly passionate about, which can guide your career choices moving forward. Overcoming challenges—like navigating a new culture or working with limited resources—builds your confidence and resilience. This confidence will serve you well in job interviews and in your future career. Plus, there’s a huge sense of satisfaction that comes from leaving a positive impact - no matter the project you're working on. It’s the kind of thing that can give your career a deeper meaning and purpose, beyond just earning a paycheck.

7. Overcoming Potential Challenges

Now, let’s get real—volunteering abroad isn’t always a walk in the park. You might be worried about how taking time off to volunteer will look on your CV, or you might be nervous about stepping into the unknown. The good news? With the right mindset, these potential challenges can be flipped into positives. If you’ve got a gap year or a career break, you can spend time volunteering and frame it as a proactive choice to build your skills and gain new experiences. And yeah, life as a volunteer can be tough at times, but that’s part of what makes it so rewarding. It shows that you’re not just coasting—you’re pushing yourself, learning, and growing. And while there is a cost to it, the long-term career benefits—like a stronger CV, a broader network, and a clearer sense of direction—make it a worthwhile investment in yourself. 

KILROY Volunteering Image South Africa

Pick your project...

Volunteering abroad is more than just an epic adventure (though it’s definitely that too); it’s a way to boost your CV and kickstart your career while making a real difference in a local community. You’ll pick up key skills, gain a global perspective, build a network, and get hands-on experience in your chosen field. The benefits aren’t just for the community—you’ll see them in your own growth and career prospects too. If you’re looking for a way to stand out in the job market, while also giving back to the world (small steps do count!), this is it. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring volunteer opportunities that match your career goals—you never know, this might just be the best decision you make for your future.

Write us and start planning!


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