
GRE tests - The Graduate Record Examinations

If you apply for a Master’s degree or a Ph.d. abroad some institutions, particularly in the USA, may require you to complete the GRE test. Please ask us before you sign up for a GRE test.

The GRE test is divided into two parts: a general test and a subject test. Both parts are paper based and must be taken at a test centre.

GRE- General part

The general part of the GRE test will measure your verbal, mathematical and analytical skills. You have limited time for each part of the test:

  • Verbal (2 x 30 minutes)
  • Quantitative (2 x 30 minutes)
  • Analytical Writing (75 minutes)

GRE - The Subject Test

As a part of the GRE test you can also take a subject test that shows your knowledge of a specific subject.

You can be tested in the following subjects

  • Biochemistry
  • Cell and molecular biology
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Literature in English
  • Mathematics (rescaled)
  • Physics
  • Psychology


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