What to book for you trip

Anna Hincheli Bjørum

What to book for you trip

Are you dreaming about packing through Asia, roadtrippin' across the US or travelling the whole globe? You will be gone for a quite a while ("for how long"-guide) and we know that one of the most amazing things about travelling is the spontaneity and the feeling that anything can happen at any time! That being said, we also know that flexibility and planning ahead is the key to a successful backpacker trip or round the world journey. We'll pass on our hard-earned lesson to you.

It's impossible to plan exactly how your big trip is going to evolve; you might fall in love, get a cold or simply feel like doing something completely unexpected. In any case, it's always a very good idea to book the most important (the must see - must experience) parts of your journey from home. The rest will fall into place and change along the way, once you've got the big picture set. 

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