Where to go

Lasse Grunstrup

Where to go

The world has become a smaller place. There are no more spots left on the map to be discovered, and all destinations are within reach. Despite this you might not necessarily be able to go on the exact backpacking trip you had imagined – especially if you’re travelling on a budget! Some journeys can be extremely expensive and/or involve a lot of stopovers, even though the physical distance is quite short. Due to the political situation it can be impossible to travel even short distances if you are crossing certain borders or areas.

Make lists

The best thing to do is make a list of all the places you'd like to see. These places can be countries, regions and cities, as well as monuments, festivals, market places, beautiful spots etc. Then divide the list into:

  1. places you have to see at any cost
  2. places you would really like to see
  3. places that would be interesting if they do not cause a major increase in the price of your ticket

Tailor-made travel itinerary

With the list your travel consultant can provide you with a tailor-made solution that will serve you and your needs in the best and cheapest way possible.  If you would like to know more about the many popular routes and the various pros and cons of the different continents, or if you feel like combining your own route, take a look here for inspiration on backpacker and round the world itineraries.

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