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Trans Mongolian railway - St. Petersburg to Beijing

Trans Mongolian railway - St. Petersburg to Beijing
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Trans Mongolian railway - St. Petersburg to Beijing

Get ready for an unforgettable and exciting journey along the Trans-Siberian Railway, also known as the Trans-Mongolian Railway (Moscow to Beijing through Mongolia) and the Trans-Manchurian Railway (trains passing through Manchuria).

Given the current situation, we have seized offering travels to Russia for the moment being.

Trans-Mongolian Railway is one of the longest continuous rail lines on earth. The total distance by rail from Moscow to Beijing is 7621 km. This train crosses Siberia, cuts across Mongolia and the Gobi desert, then enters China and passes through the Great Wall before ending in Beijing.

You can travel almost non-stop directly from Moscow to Beijing or make stops along the way. Enjoy a homestay with a Russian family on the shores of beautiful Lake Baikal, the world's deepest freshwater lake, visit Ulan Ude, or discover Mongolia before entering China. It is also possible to go by train to Vladivostok and take a return flight back.

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Trans Mongolian railway route map - St. Petersburg to Beijing

Trans Mongolian railway route map - St. Petersburg to Beijing


  • Train tickets
  • Station transfers
  • Accommodation
  • Honchos (local guides when travelling on a group tour)
  • Visa Support
  • Guaranteed Departures


  • Great experiences on the train
  • Scenic panoramas among the most beautiful in the world
  • Discover the hospitality of Russia
  • Visit the Lake Baikal, the deepest freshwater lake in the world
  • See the beautiful landscapes of Mongolia
  • Sleep in a Ger
  • Visit bustling Beijing
  • At every stop you have a local guide who knows the secret pearls
  • Travel with a group of up to 15 people (18-35 years)

Sightseeing and day tours

Day tours/sightseeing trips are offered in Moscow, Irkutsk, Ulaanbaatar and Beijing and we can arrange for other different stops on your way to Beijing, for example in cities like Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Ulan Ude. If stopping along your journey, we recommend you take at least two overnight stays, if possible.

Sleeping on the train

When travelling by train, we usually recommend four-berth compartments. A two-berth compartment is more expensive, and you will miss the joy of sharing the journey with fellow travelers!

Meals on the train

There is a separate dining car on the train. Three meals a day including breakfast, lunch and dinner are served at a cost of about EUR 20 per day.

Planning your train journey

When it comes to the planning, the most important thing is to decide if you are going to make stops along the way. If yes, it's better to start planning from the final destination and then move backwards.

The journey Moscow - Beijing (non-stop) takes 6 days by a Chinese train. The train leaves Moscow for Beijing on Tuesday nights. Another alternative is the Russian train, which departs on Saturday nights and goes through Manchuria, not Mongolia. This trip will take 8 days and costs a bit more. The train departs from Moscow every odd day, e.g. on the 17th, 19th, 21st, etc.

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